that works for you

Choose a plan

Online Academy
per month
For startups, large projects, and companies
Create your independent educational portal. We implement your workflow, integrate any services, payment gateways, and mechanics.
per month
per month
For online schools
For experts
and small projects
Start your course. All tools for successful launch are available.
Build processes in your online school. Complete set of marketing, analytical and design tools.
For beginners
and teachers
Test the platform and complete the first lesson. Flexible no-code constructor with 40 + methodological tools.
Educational process
Advanced gamification
Issuance of certificates and diplomas
Division of the course into modules
Stop lessons
Control of the learning rhythm
Launch of synchronous courses
Informing students about events on the platform via messengers
Conducting ZOOM webinars
Built-in chat with students
Uploading reports in Excel format
Automatic and manual checking of homework assignments
Implementation of blended learning
Designer courses with 40+ tools and gamification
File storage size
Number of students
Number of active courses
Content management
Hosting the project on your own servers
Platform-independent user base
Free transfer to Inspiral
Technical support
Transferring lessons from another account
Protecting videos from downloading
Audience engagement through competitive mechanics for social networks
Connecting your own authorization server (Google, Yandex, AD)
Ready-made methodological templates for lessons
Personal manager
Marketing and payments
Accepting payments from legal entities
Upsales inside products
Promo codes
Showcase of courses
Recurring payments
Connecting the Inspiral online sales register under Federal Law 54 in 1 day
Integration with chatbots
Built-in payment form Inspiral
Accepting payments from all over the world
Payment Analytics
Integration of CRM, mailing lists, SAP, 1C, PowerBI
Integration and acceptance of payments with Tilda
Built-in CRM system
Sending triggers to any services using webhooks
Own domain
Customization of system emails
Mobile application
Unique course design
per month
For startups, large projects, and companies
Create your independent educational portal. We implement your workflow, integrate any services, payment gateways, and mechanics.
ChatGPT Generation
Platform-independent user database
Hosting the project on your own servers
Advanced gamification
Integration of any external services into the project
per month
per month
For online schools
For experts
and small projects
Start your course. All tools for successful launch are available.
Build processes in your online school. Complete set of marketing, analytical and design tools.
Accepting payments
from all over the world, including for the self-employed
Free transfer to Inspiral
Built-in CRM system
Integration with CRM, newsletters, SAP, PowerBI
Recurring payments, promo codes, and upsales within products
Unique course design
Stop lessons, course rhythm, adaptive learning scenarios
Course Showcase
Own domain
Built-in chat with students
For beginners
and teachers
Test the platform and complete the first lesson. Flexible no-code constructor with 40 + methodological tools.
Unlimited number
of students
Issuance of certificates and diplomas
Evertyhing from basic +
Accept payments from legal entities
Unlimited file storage
ChatGPT Generation
Access to all content creation tools
Ability to develop courses and share lessons
Customizing system emails
Methodical templates
for lessons
ChatGPT Generation
Evertyhing from PRO +
Evertyhing from GURU +
Online Academy
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Yes, you can test all the features of the platform on the basic free plan.
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